The Italian Riviera..

Last night looking out to see the glimmer of the rising moon brought on some wonderful dreams  and I slept like a baby!
La Spiagga privata in Santa Margherita

This little seaside paradise is where I have just spent my last 3 days relaxing, soaking up the sun.  I don’t want to offend Paris (know that I do love Paris) yet nothing compares to Italy, I am aware that this is my opinion and I do understand others may not agree, yet it’s almost home for me now, every year my choice of destination for my holiday is bella Italia!  I am not ignorant of other beautiful destinations in the world yet my breath is cut short each time I arrive in Italy be it North or South.  My wonderful hotel has presented me each day with a beach towel, two deck chairs (yes that’s two just for me), a beach umbrella and a very attentive life guard to oversee and maintain the serenity.

As previously mentioned I noticed the French women more than ever this year, their eminent femininity and grace is hard to miss and there is certainly a difference with the Italian women.  Depending on where you reside Italian women are all very different, sexy is a prominent word that comes to mind and when in either Milan, Florence or Rome the corporate women are exceptionally stylish and well groomed with precision, yet I find it amusing to observe some of the Italian women when traveling along the coast.  During the summer months the difference is that Italian women do not hold back on the sun baking stakes, no sunscreen just oil, perhaps oil with 10-25% protection yet from years of experience sunbathing on Sydney’s northern beaches I have come to learn that oil is a definite NO NO when spending endless hours soaking up the sun on the beach.  The evidence is clear later on in life yet Italians don’t seem to care.  Lucky for some they are blessed with the most heavenly olive colored naturally moist skin, even so the signs of aging appear.  Tanned is the old and new summer fashion in Italy, some prefer the good old sun, I prefer the good old bottle tan, try the brand Avene which will give you a good honey glow.  Its the young that look so glamorous in their strapless designer evening dresses with their glowing beach tans, certainly not the 30 plus bracket.  My small health tip for the day!  xmm