Unique Venetian Glass from Murano..

Romantic streets in Venezia
Contemporary opulence
Happy life size clowns
Sparkling chandeliers
I saw this shop and thought of my sister, she would have loved these horses
I love the warmth of the orange light
After a while it all becomes a blur, there is so much glistening beauty and colour inside every store window.

The best way to get to Murano from Venice is to take the Vaporetto, only a 10 minute ride from the main island.  The Island of Murano its famous for its unique brightly coloured and fine quality glass, the glass makers here have famously been making the original Murano glass for centuries.  Many of the historical glass factories still function using the original glass making techniques today.  
You can buy directly from the factories or many of the shops in Venice are full of beautiful Murano glass, everything can be found from brightly coloured rings, to breathtaking chandeliers, drinking glasses, lighting, table tops, figurines and so much more.

Magical Murano Books

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Photo copyright Melissa Martin