Venice in Autumn and Winter

Capturing the light in Venice Italy

Capturing the light in Venice during Autumn 

Discovering Venice in Autumn and Winter

Priceless art and iconic landmarks reveal themselves at every turn in Venice! One of the best times of the year to visit the floating city  is between October to December. Crowds disperse and a feeling of calm emerges. A glow of light beams through the stone arches and across the hundreds of bridges.  

Venice is a city that can bring out different emotions. It’s easy to understand why so many poets and writers travel to Venice for inspiration. There is a certain charm beneath the winter sky. The combination of glistening water, architecture, fascinating history, charming cafes such as Caffè Florian, established in 1720 and the many cultural experiences offer a unique holiday experience. 

Venice Italy Autumn Winter

Experience Venice during the Autumn and Winter months

Enjoy a fantastic journey across the hidden gems of the Venetian lagoon! 

Sant’Erasmo is the largest island in Venice, a long strip of land running from the southwest to the northeast. Considered the garden of Venice, its territory is mainly dedicated to farming and wine production. 

Torcello is the most northern island and is the birthplace of Venice as it’s thought to be the first populated island in the entire lagoon. The Basilica with its crypt, majestic architecture, beautiful mosaics, and precious details is the core of the medieval charm of the island. A stop for lunch at the well known Locanda Cipriani is recommended, serving classic dishes created by the Cipriani family, throughout autumn the gardens offer a thoroughly enjoyable setting. 

Burano, a small nearby island where the streets are lined with bright colourful buildings, each home is painted in a different colour as a territorial mark of the family and as a sign for fishermen returning from the sea to easily spot their home. Many great local trattoria’s can be found on the island, a favourite we take our clients for lunch is Trattoria Al Gatto Nero (the black cat) well known for serving some of the best fresh seafood and homemade pasta in Venice.

Burano Venice

Burano island in Venice

The island of Murano, situated in the Venetian lagoon, has long been legendary for its high-quality glassware. The skilled artisan works of art are characterised by their delicate colours, effortlessly graceful forms, and unrivalled technical precision. Sought after around the world, many pieces adorn global cathedrals and homes of nobility. We take you to experience the legacy of this century-old tradition that is still home to the secrets of glassmaking. Our contacts allow you to enjoy a visit with one of the few remaining masters of their craft.

San Giorgio is a small island close to main Venice features a beautiful church, a hidden garden with a labyrinthian hedges, and a stunning historic church with a bell tower, its possible to climb the tower from which you will have a striking 360 degree view of the entire lagoon.  An unmissable experience to see Venice from a bird’s eye view. Another city emerges from above, one full of jagged rooflines, iconic silhouettes of churches, bell towers, and hidden gardens. 

Scala Contarini del Bovolo

Admire Venice waking in the early hours from Scala Contarini del Bovolo

Among the notorious maze of narrow alleyways, in the middle of St. Mark’s sestiere, hides a staircase that winds up a tower-like facade of a historic palazzo. Scala Contarini del Bovolo, “Del Bovolo” translates to “of the snail” in the Venetian dialect, referring to the spiral shape of the 80 steps staircase, which combines elements of Gothic, Renaissance, and Byzantine styles and leads to a rare view over the city’s rooftops. Ideal for a visit when travelling to Venice in Autumn.

In the heart of Venice itself you find St. Mark’s Square or Piazza San Marco, one of the most extraordinary places in the world. Classical music echos from the cafes underneath rows of ornately-decorated galleries. Lit up by flickering lights, and faced with the shimmering golden cupolas of St. Mark’s Basilica. It’s guaranteed that you will be transported to a different time. Our specialist Venetian guides can discuss the golden age ‘La Serenissima’, the jewel of the kingdom of Venice.

Its almost certain you have heard of Harry’s Bar, one of the most historic and famous local establishments in Venice, frequented by the likes of Toscanini, Charlie Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock, Truman Capote, Peggy Guggenheim, George Clooney, and most notably, Ernest Hemmingway. Make your way up the stairs to enjoy a delicious pasta or simply relax in the bar sipping a Bellini cocktail, this iconic drink is an intoxicating mix of Prosecco sparkling wine and sweet peach nectar, which was invented at Harry’s Bar. 

Private Limousine Tours in Venice Italy

Explore Venice on luxury private limousine boat 

If you’re passionate about Venice and about art, accompanied by our private guide, you’ll have the chance to visit Palazzo Grimani, a unique gem dating back to the sixteenth century. The palazzo housed Giovanni Grimani’s archaeological collection, one of the finest of its time, strikingly displayed on shelves, mantelpieces and plinths in settings such as the specially designed Tribuna and the courtyard. The decoration of the rooms inside the palazzo are of extraordinarily high quality, with outstanding stucco-work and frescoes reflecting the confidently unconventional taste of the Grimani’s. Executed by Mannerist artists such as Giovanni da Udine, Francesco Salviati, Camillo Mantovano, Francesco Menzocchi and Federico Zuccari. Marvel at the beauty of the frescoes and precious marble.

The Doge’s Palace is an amazing example of Venetian Gothic architecture. The palace was the Doge’s private residence and law making institution. A symbol of the wealth and power wielded by the Serenissima, the Venetian Republic. Walk around the halls of government and justice, the famous Council of Ten rooms, the Senate, explore the prisons and the famous Bridge of Sighs, trying to picture what it must have felt like to cross it back in the past. Decorated with paintings by Tintoretto, Titian and Veronese, the palace is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, made out of layers of building elements from the 14th and the 15th century, with Renaissance and Mannerist adjunctions. 

We take you off-the-beaten path though the Cannaregio district and to explore the beautiful old palaces of Dorsoduro, these are two of the oldest areas in Venice. Here you can wander the area of the Zattere and the Accademia, considered the most exclusive areas in the city, housing rare examples of modern Venetian residential architecture. 

unique travel

During Autumn and Winter months, discover Venice by private limousine boat 

Cannaregio is a hidden gem of the city where you will experience a local and peaceful Venetian atmosphere. Visit the majestic church of Madonna dell’ Orto, with its mullioned windows and its Greek marble columns supporting double-framed pointed arches, decorated by paintings of Jacopo Robusti, known as Tintoretto, who is buried here. Walk along the Fondamenta della Misericordia, and stop at a local bacaro (one of the oldest wine shops in Venice) for a truly Venetian aperitivo in “ fondamenta “ . Taste a “spritz con Aperol “ or Prosecco accompanied by the famous cicchetti selection, tapas like food unique to Venice.

Visit the Jewish Ghetto, one of the settings of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, the area where the Jews were segregated and compelled to live by the government of the Venetian Republic, until Napoleon ended the separation from the city on July 1797. The Ghetto was originally connected to the rest of the city by two bridges that were open only during daylight and locked at night. 

Itinerary planning from start to finish, our team will book your accommodation at the finest five-star luxury Hotels and exclusive apartments. Visit both well-known sites and the lagoon’s best-kept secrets on our customised private tours – start planning your getaway! 



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